Aperture Antenna Calculator

Enter value and click on calculate. Result will be displayed.

Eθ = [ ( j*k*a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] * Sinφ [ ( J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a*Sinθ ]
Eφ = [ ( j*k*a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] *(Cosθ*Cosφ) [(J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a*Sinθ]

Magnetic Current :
Half antenna length :
Wave Length :
Radius :
Z-axis length :
Coordinate Angle :

Result :

Dipole Current :
Electric Wave :
Magnetic Wave :
Average radiated power density :
What is antenna aperture? Antenna aperture refers to the effective area of an antenna that captures incoming electromagnetic waves. It is a critical parameter in determining the overall performance of the antenna, as it directly affects the received signal strength and the antenna's ability to transmit and receive signals.
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