Radar Range Calculator

Enter value and click on calculate. Result will be displayed.

`R_[MAX]=[P_t×G×S×A_e]/[(4×Pi)^2×P_[MIN]] `
RMAX = Radar Range
Pt = Transmitted Pulse Peak Power
G = Maximum Power Gain of Antenna
Ae = Antenna Aperture
S = Radar Cross Section Area
PMIN = Minimum Detectable Signal of Receiver

Enter your values:

Transmitted Pulse Peak Power (Pt):
Maximum Power Gain of Antenna (G):
Antenna Aperture (Ae):
Radar Cross Section Area (S):
Minimum Detectable Signal of Receiver (PMIN):


Radar Range (RMAX):
Radar Range Calculator Radar Max Range is determined, ideally speaking, on the properties of the antenna only. A signal at a certain frequency is transmitted, reflected, then hopefully, detected. Due to the three-dimensional propagation of radar waves, frequency hold the highest weight in determining range. Often, power consumption and range must be balanced for maximum usability.
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